6/22/06 vote number 181
I am just going to read the democrats
Supporting troop withdrawal comparing to the Iraq war vote
Akaka of HI (voted against the war)
Boxer of CA (voted against the war)
Durbin of IL the assistant leader of the democrat
(voted against the war)
Fiengold of WI (voted against the war
Harkin of IA ( voted for the war)
Inouye of HI (voted against the war)
Jeffords (independent senator) VT (voted against the war)
Kennedy of MA (voted against the war)
Kerry of MA (voted against the war)
Launtenberg of NJ ( wasn’t in the senate at the time. He replaced Torricelli who did vote for the war)
Leahy of VT (voted against the war)
Mendenez of NJ (wasn’t in the senate at the time. He replaced Corzine who voted against the war)
Wyden of OR (voted against the war)
Voted against troop withdrawal
Baucus of MT (voted for the war)
Bayh of IN (voted for the war)
Biden of DE (voted for the war)
Bingaman of NM (voted for against the war)
Byrd of WV (voted against the war)
Cantwell of WA (voted for the war)
Carper of DE (voted for the war)
Clinton of NY (voted for the war)
Conrad of ND (voted against the war)
Dayton of MN (voted against the war)
Dodd of CT (voted for the war)
Dorgan of ND (voted for the war)
Fienstein of CA (voted for the war)
Johnson of SD (voted for the war)
Kohl of WI (voted for the war)
Landreiu of LA (voted for the war)
Levin of MI (voted against the war)
Lieberman of CT (voted for the war)
Lincoln of AR (voted for the war)
Milkuski of MD (voted for the war)
Murray of WA (voted against the war)
Nelson of FL (voted for the war)
Nelson of NE (voted for the war)
Obama of IL (he wasn’t in the senate at the time. He replaced Fitzgerald a republican who voted for the war)
Pryror of AR (voted for the war)
Reed of RI (voted against the war)
Reid of NV (voted for the war) leader of the democrats
Salazar of CO (he wasn’t in the senate at the time. He replaced a republican senator Campbell)
Sarbanes of MD (he voted against for the war)
Schumer of NY (he voted for the war)