Saturday, December 02, 2006

New members of House of Reps

That story was on the Mike Malloy show of november 14 2006

Now it is time for the new democrats of congress

5th District: Harry Mitchell
8th District: Gabrielle Giffords
11th District: Jerry McNerney
He beat the very corrupt Richard Pombo and Jerry has been endorsed by democracy for America

7th District: Ed Perlmutter

2nd District: Joe Courtney
5th District: Chris Murphy
This guy is very liberal

Wow even new democrats in FLorida. Jeb's dirty bags of tricks didn't stop the voters here.
11th District: Kathy Castor
16th District: Tim Mahoney
This guy replaces Mark Foley.
22nd District: Ron Klein
Randi Rhodes of Air America endorsed him so he must be a liberal

4th District: Hank Johnson
This guy replaced the best congressperson of Georgia Cynthia Mckinney. This guy must be a Lieberman democrat.

2nd District: Mazie Hirono
This woman replaced Centrist democrat Ed Case. I hope she is better than him

1st District: Bruce L Braley
2nd District: David Loebsack

17th District: Phil Hare
Fighting Dem

2nd District: Joe Donnelly
8th District: Brad Ellsworth
9th District: Baron Hill
This guy is a returning congressman

2nd District: Nancy Boyda

3rd District: John Yarmuth

3rd District: John Sarbanes
This guy replaces Ben Cardin, in the house of Reps

1st District: Tim Walz
fighting dem
5th District: Keith Ellison
First Moselem

North Carolina
11th District: Heath Shuler

New Hampshire
1st District: Carol Shea-Porter
2nd District: Paul W. Hodes

New Jersey
13th District: Albio Sires
Replaces Robert Mendenez in the House of Reps

New York
11th District: Yvette Clarke
19th District: John Hall
This guy was a singer
20th District: Kirsten E Gillibrand
24th District: Mike Arcuri

6th District: Charlie Wilson
13th District: Betty Sutton
Replaces Sherrod Brown in the House
18th District: Zack Space

4th District: Jason Altmire
7th District: Joe Sestak
Iraq War vet
8th District: Patrick Murphy
Iraq War Vet
10th District: Chris Carney
Iraq War Vet

9th District: Stephen Cohen
Replaces Harold Ford

22nd District: Nick Lampson
Replaces Tom Delay

At Large District: Peter Welch
Replaces Bernie Sanders in the House and is endorsed by Democracy for America

8th District: Steven Kagen, MD

New House of Reps rules made by Nancy Pelosi

The Jim webb sory is on Just put Jim Webb in the search engine
Now many have said there are no difference between democrats and republicans
Denis Hasert, the former Republican Speapker allowed lobbyists into congressional floor.
He threw the democrats and CIndy Sheehan in the basement when they wanted to find out about the downing street memo.
Congressman James Sensbrenner, Republican, shut off mics when the democrats wanted to debate the patriot act.
Many voices votes, with no record of the vote on the net, would happen in favor of the republicans whether they were in the majority, at the time of vote, or not.
They would sneak special incentives into legisation, that favored corporate interest, after the final vote was cast.
The republicans accepted gifts from lobbyists
They got free travel of corporate paid jets.
Bascally party time on tax payers dollar.

Now it will be a democratic house of reps under the authority of Nancy Pelosi

1/No House member may accept any gift from any lobbyist, a firm, or a association that hires lobbyists
2/No free travel which means an end to corporate paid jets to home districts
3/No free tickets to red skin games
4/No special interest projects on unrelated house legislation
5/All bills will be made to the public a full 24 hours before the final vote
6/lobbyists will not be allowed to use the house gym or the house floor for last minute arm twisting
7/No house member or staffer will be able to negotiate for employment, in the public sector, without disclosing to the house ethics committee
8/All of this will be audited and investigated by an office of public integrity and that office reports directly and only to the US attorneys office

So my question is what can the republicans do for fun

I think Jim Webb will be a real democrat

Too bad he didn't swing
by kos
Tue Nov 28, 2006 at 06:02:47 PM PST
Bush, being a petulant prick again:
At a private reception held at the White House with newly elected lawmakers shortly after the election, Bush asked Webb how his son, a Marine lance corporal serving in Iraq, was doing.
Webb responded that he really wanted to see his son brought back home, said a person who heard about the exchange from Webb.
“I didn’t ask you that, I asked how he’s doing,” Bush retorted, according to the source.
Webb confessed that he was so angered by this that he was tempted to slug the commander-in-chief, reported the source, but of course didn’t. It’s safe to say, however, that Bush and Webb won’t be taking any overseas trips together anytime soon.

You would never hear this story about a Lieberman democrat