Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I hate dems that can't fillibuster

19 dems killed a fillbuster on Sam Alito. One dem didn't even vote. On this latest fillbuster attempt on the patriot 14 opposed it and one dem didn't vote. It is vote 23 of thi session.
Alito traitorcrats

republicrat failure on Alito
1/Akaka (HI)
2/Baucus (Mt)
3/Bingaman (NM)
4/Byrd (WV)
5/Cantwell (WA)
6/Carper (DE)
7/Conrad (ND)
8/Dorgan (ND)
9/Inouye (HI)
10/Johnson (SD)
11/Kohl (WI)
12/Landrieu (LA)
13/Lieberman (CT)
14/Lincoln (AR)
15/Nelson (FL)
16/Nelson (NE)
17/Pryror (AR)
18/Rockfeller (WV)
19/Salazar (CO)
Harkin (IA) did even vote which is more cowardly

patriot act filibuster
1/Biden (DE) you will never be president now
2/Carper (DE) figures
3/Clinton (NY) I will be shocked if you get past your senate primary after this you republicrat bitch. You can forget about your dream to be the first woman president too. Boxer is more of a woman than you will ever be Hillary
4/Conrad (ND) not surprised
5/Feinstein (CA) I guess you got rid of your backbone after Cindy Sheehan siad she wouldn't run for senate. Bitch ( I mean Diane not Cindy) However, Todd Chretien is a green party candiate against her and Cindy supports him. I know what I said about greens and all but it is a better alternative to this republicrat. http://www.todd4senate.org
6/Johnson (SD) again no suprise
7/Kohl (WI) again no suprise look at http://www.voterae.org/ Rae Vogeler another green better vote than this republicrat
8/Landrieu (LA) Ah the turn coat of Louisiana.... republicrat bitch
9/Lincoln (AR) the republicrat bitch
10/Nelson (FL) Maybe you should lose you seat to the witch of florida Katherine Harris
11/Nelson (NE) This guy is worse than Lieberman
12/Pryor (AR) Both senators of Arkansas suck
13/Rockefeller (WV) a disgrace to his family name
14/Schumer (NY) both senators of NY suck . First he shows disrespect for the uniform by kicking Paul Hackett out of the Ohio Senate race and now this vote on the patriot act fillibuster. This guy is talking about how he is against U.A.E. running our ports because this makes our country less secure. Hey Chuck the PATRIOT ACT IS JUST AS BAD AS U.A.E.!!!
15/Inouye (HI) finally the centrist of Hawaii. He didn't even vote on this. You coward!!!

Can you believe Salazar, Akaka, Baucus, Bingaham, Dorgan, showed more backbone than the above 15.? These 5 centrists voted for the fililbuster. Hell even Lieberman showed more backbone, who is number 6th centrist supporting this fillibuster and he has next to nothing for backbone. The first fillibuster on the patriot act worked because some republicans supported it. At least Fiengold has more support than the last vote on this fascist legisation.

Ralph Nader is a liberal pipe dream

I say this because he will never win an election and he doesn't intend to. He intends to give liberals false hope. He is a republican in liberal clothing. He takes money from deep pocketed GOP supporters and that is the way he likes it. Ralph told Washington state to vote for the republican in light democratic senator maria cantwell. Also two greens are now running for the senate. Mark Wilson is running in washington state senate against Maria cantwell. He wants to repeal the patriot act.

Steve greenfield is running for the senate in NY against Sen Hillary Clinton.

the only time I would vote green is if it would keep my from voting for a republicrat

Saturday, February 25, 2006

everyone should read the votes of the senate and the house of reps

Senate votes

Rep votes 2000

Rep votes 2001

Rep votes 2002

Rep votes 2003

Rep votes 2004

Rep votes 2005

Rep votes 2006

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

best news websites





Check them out

Sunday, February 19, 2006

regular election 11/07/06

AZ Leonard Clark a Iraq war vet (D) Primary vote 9/12/06

CT Ned Lamont http://www.nedlamont.com Joe help kill the Alito fillbuster. Time for Joe Lieberman to go vote for Ned.Primary 08/08/06

HI Congressman Ed Case http://www.edcase.com time to hold Daniel Akaka accountable for killing the Alito Fillbuster Primary 9/23/06

MA relect Ted Kennedy http://www.tedkennedy.com reelect one of the best senators. He may not be perfect but at least he has backbone for the people which is one thing the democrats need. No Primary

MD Kwiesi Mfume http://www.mfumeforsenate.com this the president of the NAACP that is like having an extension of the black caucus in the senate. I know we have Barrak Obama already but I am not a big fan of him. Also Congressman Cardin wants this seat too but he voted for the reauthorized patriot act. No more republicrats in the senate so say no to Cardin!! primary 9/12/06

ME Jean Hay Bright http://www.jeanhaybright.us She has a good opinion on the iraq warPrimary 6/13/06

MN Ford Bell http://www.fordbell.com He is against the iraq war tooprimary 9/12/06

MS Eric Fleming http://www.fleming2006.org lets get rid of the racsit Trent lottPrimary 6/06/06

NV Jack Carter http://www.carterfornevada.com This is Jimmy Carter's son he has my vote.Primary 8/25/06

NY Steve Greenfield http://www.greenfieldforsenate.org A former green and it is time for the queen of the republicrats to go Hillary Clinton.Primary 09/12/06

RI Carl Sheeler http://www.carlsheeler.com This guy has a billboard the reads "be patriotic impeach bush." I would vote for this guy.Primary 9/12/06

TN Rosiland Kurita http://www.kurita2006.com This woman was a nurse and is now state senator. Primary 8/03/06

UT Peat Ashdown http://www.pashdown.org A democrat running for the senate in one of the most conservative states in the country. This guy needs support like a desert man needs water. primary 09/12/06

VA James Webb http://www.webbforsenate.com this guy was Reagon's naval secatary and he is running as a democrat against one of the most popular republican senators good luck. primary 06/13/06

WA Mark Wilson http://www.votemark.org A former green and he wants to repeal the patriot act. Time to hold Maria Cantwell for her CAFTA vote and killing the Alito Fillbuster. Also Ralph Nader actual told Washington state to vote for Maria and he says he is a liberal, yeah right. Primary 9/19/06

WY Dale Groutage is the only democrat running in this state so far http://www.dalegroutageforsenate.com primary 8/22/06 just in case