West Virginia Races
Sen. Robert Byrd (D) another Dino who carries the constitution in his pocket. He is one of the oldest senators. I think he is 88 years old. If he gets reelected he will die befor the end of his term
Billy Hendricks, Jr. is a primary challenger
Republican challengers
Paul J. Brown
Zane Rene Lawhorn
Hiram Carson "Bucky" Lewis, IV
This guy is a Iraq War vet. Maybe he should talk to the members of IWVAW or Iraq war veterans against the war.
John Reeves Raese
Charles G. "Bud" Railey
Richard Ray "Rick" Snuffer
The difference between Byrd and the republicans is that they would have voted for the Iraq war. He didn't. At least he made a few smart decisions. This guy actually voted for Sam Alito confirmation to supreme court. He carries the constitution in his pocket and did that? Senile idiot.
District 1
Congressman Alan Mollohan (D) vs Rick Snuffer http://www.ricksnuffer.com/
District 2
Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito (R) vs Mike O. Callaghan (D)
District 3
Democratic Primary vs Republican Primary
Nick J. Rahall II
Tom Easterly
Kim Wolfe
Gary Martin Gearheart
May 9 is the primary